Traffic Modeling & Signal Design
As a developer, you likely know the two most significant (and sometimes controversial) obstacles your project will face: stormwater management and traffic impacts. Speaking to the latter, municipalities, land-use boards, and concerned citizens all want to know what will be the adverse impacts of your proposed project being implemented. Typically these issues are investigated by a traffic engineer and culminate in a Traffic Impact Report (TIR). The TIR can range from a cursory review letter from a Traffic Engineer, to a complete analysis, including obtaining existing data, and a detailed study. BLSH&E has partnered with a licensed traffic engineer who can address and design all of those components.
The TIR would contain the following:
- Building location in context with appropriate site circulation
- Access to the local roadway network
- Parking requirements
- Traffic modeling – site generated traffic and impact to roadway infrastructure; peak-hour trip generation; levels of service etc
- Intersection sightlines Signalization – timing; left-turn warrants; lane balance and queue lengths, and possibly implementation of jughandle.
If your project rises to the level of requiring traffic analysis, we can help. When you go to the Board for approval, we can accompany you to present the case in the best and most favorable light, having performed the necessary diligence, studies, and design, which will postion the project for a favorable outcome. Call me today. As with all of my engineering consultation/designs, you will be presented with a detailed written proposal of the Scope of Work for your review, including fee, prior to commencing.