CAD - Computer Aided Drafting
As with all of my engineering consultation/designs, you will be presented with a detailed written proposal of the Scope of Work for your review, including fee, prior to commencing.
All plans are professionally presented as electronically drafted documents using the Microstation (.dgn) platform. You may be familiar with another common one, AutoCAD (.dwg). Why Microstation and not AutoCAD? Well the main reason is, Microstation is the platform of choice for the New Jersey Department of Transportation, which is the world in which I grew up in, so therefore it is the “language” I know. It really is a case of Coke vs. Pepsi, however be assured that both versions are interchangeable these days, at least for the purposes with which we require (2D CADing). That is, dwg is easily converted to dgn, and vice versa. Many surveyors and land-use designers use AutoCAD, so be assured that I continually swap files back and forth seamlessly between the two. The bottom line is, the final product (plans) look clean, polished, and professionally presented; there is no way to tell which platform was used other than to look at the file extension that may be included on the margin of the drawing.
On occasion, I have been tasked with merely CADing up plans for a single residence homeowner. Typical examples would be for a bearing wall beam replacement, or for a new deck attached to a home, or a remodel of a kitchen. At this point I am merely representing myself as a CAD drafter. This specifically and only applies to those cases where the owner of their occupied residence prepares and files the construction documents with an affidavit indicating the name of the person who drew the construction documents. In that instance, I CAN NOT affix my seal or signature or title block of any kind as a Professional Engineer, since this would be a violation against the rules and ethics of the New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.
It goes without saying, a neat, orderly, well-presented drawing goes a long way with reviewing entities. Put your best foot forward and give me a call today.