Once the architectural drawings are completed, and the new building footprint is established, in addition to the site plan you may need certain components of the structure to be designed by an engineer. This would include structural calculations and the creation of a signed & professionally sealed plan. The structural design would consider:
• Loading (live load + dead load) calculations, including wind and snow
• Material type – steel, concrete, wood, and engineered wood such as glulam and I-joists
• Spans, spacing, and number of stories
• Presence of specialty items like granite counter tops, cathedral ceilings and open floor plans, whirlpool bathtubs, or slate rooves
• Retaining walls, foundations, and footings, all in concert with the local frost penetration depth.
Typical scenarios I've been involved with are for removing a bearing wall to open up the space and give a more "airy" feeling, and/or removing the columns in the basement to again provide an open floor plan (think regulation-sized pool table you always wanted). Both instances always result in a beefier beam and sometimes a loss in head height. These issues are easily solved, but do require calculations and designs by a professional engineer, I can provide those signed & sealed calcs and drawings to be presented to the building department for the necessary permit. A construction cost estimate can also be prepared and assistance with obtaining a qualified contractor is available.
As with all of my consultations and/or designs, you will be presented with a detailed written proposal of the scope of work, including fee, prior to commencing.